Internationale Zeitschrift für Faunistik und Floristik des Süßwassers
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Lauterbornia 55 (2005)
Lauterbornia 85
Corrected reprint Vallenduuk, H. J. (2019): Chironomini larvae of western European lowlands (Diptera: Chironomidae). Keys with notes to the species. With a redescription of Glyptotendipes (Caulochironomus) nagorskayae and a first description of Glyptotendipes (Caulochironomus) kaluginae new species.- 444 Abb..- Lauterbornia 82: 1-217, Dinkelscherben. Geb. 59,00 The keys lead to 232 Chironomini species known from the lowland part of (mainly) western Europe and the mid-high mountain-area. The keys are mainly based on macroscopic characters for facilitating an identification. Many figures support the identification. Tables with morphological data make it possible to compare macroscopic and microscopic characters. For some genera a table with figures (gallery) is available.
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Lauterbornia 63 (2008)
Lauterbornia 75
Timm, T.: Lauterbornia 66 (2009)