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Lauterbornia 86 (2019)
Preis: 45 EUR
Lauterbornia 85
Corrected reprint Vallenduuk, H. J. (2019): Chironomini larvae of western European lowlands (Diptera: Chironomidae). Keys with notes to the species. With a redescription of Glyptotendipes (Caulochironomus) nagorskayae and a first description of Glyptotendipes (Caulochironomus) kaluginae new species.- 444 Abb..- Lauterbornia 82: 1-217, Dinkelscherben. Geb. 59,00 The keys lead to 232 Chironomini species known from the lowland part of (mainly) western Europe and the mid-high mountain-area. The keys are mainly based on macroscopic characters for facilitating an identification. Many figures support the identification. Tables with morphological data make it possible to compare macroscopic and microscopic characters. For some genera a table with figures (gallery) is available.
Preis: 59 EUR
Lauterbornia 84 (2017)
Kleinsteuber, W. & M. Hohmann: Three caddisfly species (Trichoptera) new for Saxony-Anhalt (Germany): Tricholeiochiton fagesii (Guinard, 1879), Wormaldia subnigra McLachlan, 1865 and Tinodes unicolor (Pictet, 1834) and easternmost record of Leptocerus lusitanicus (McLachlan, 1884) in GermanyMüller, H.: Larval morphology and some hosts of three species of Atractides (Acari: Hydrachnidia)Wolf, B. & R. Angersbach: Recovery of Brachyptera monilicornis in Hesse/GermanyGruber-Brunhumer, M. R., M. Schagerl, M. Trobej & G. Hutter: Oocardium stratum Nägeli, 1849. New discoveries of a rare alga in Austrian tufa springsSchödel, H.: A new location of the Branchiopoda Leptestheria dahalacensis (Rüppel, 1837) and Triops cancriformis (Bose, 1801) (Crustacea: Notostraca und „Conchostraca“) in Upper Franconia/BavariaMunjiu, O.: Distribution of endangered mayfly Palingenia longicauda (Olivier, 1791) (Ephemeroptera, Palingeniidae) on the territory of the Republic of MoldovaKoch, S. & P. Weichselbaumer: Baetis (Labiobaetis) calcaratus Keffermüller, 1972 new to Bavaria (Southern Germany) and morphological investigations marking difference to Baetis (Labiobaetis) tricolor Tshernova, 1928 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae)Jueg, U.: Erpobdellopsis graacki n. gen., n. sp. – a peculiar leech from Spain (Annelida, Hirudinida: Erpobdellidae)Kokavec, I. & P. Beracko: Longitudinal zonation pattern of non-insect benthic invertebrates over contrasting discontinuitiesSon, O. M., A. V. Koshelev, I. K. Polishchuk & V. P. Dumenko: Experimental hatching of resting eggs of large Branchiopoda from temporary ponds in the steppe Biosphere Reserve „Askania Nova“ (Ukraine)Rudolph, K. & C. O. Coleman: Detection of Echinogammarus ischnus (Stebbing, 1899) in a sample from Berlin, from 1946Neu, P. J.: Description of a new species of Wormaldia (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae) from ItalyHeinle, F. X., D. Schokrowski & T. Wittling: Gammarus fossarum Koch, 1835 (Amphipoda) in the river Schwelk in the catchment of the river Günz/DanubeBerlin, A. & V. Thiele: The colonization of the lowland river Tollense (Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania) with Mayflies (Ephemeroptera), Stoneflies (Plecoptera) and caddisflies (Trichoptera) as a part of an integrated stream monitoring system (REWAM joint project „Boot Monitoring“)Corrections and additional information to Vallenduuk, H. J (2017): „Chironomidae larvae of western European lowlands (Diptera: Chironomidae).- Lauterbornia 82: 1-216
Preis: 35 EUR
Lauterbornia 83
Aquatic Diptera larvae in Central, Northwest and North Europe. The forms and their identification, a survey Erik Mauch Aims of the treatise are: (1) Characterization of (semi)aquatic Diptera-Larvae on family level by descriptionand identification keys in form of family portraits. Treated are 45 families having water dependent larvae (afew, several, many, all species), according to literature and own observation. (2) Presentation of further taxonomicliterature for each family. (3) Identification of taxa below family level, as far as keys in literature couldbe adapted. A preceding general part provides a survey of the morphology of Diptera larvae, the relating terminologyand methods. The drawings in the text are supplemented by a gallery of colour photos.
Preis: 65 EUR
Lauterbornia 82
Vallenduuk, H. J. (2017): Chironomini larvae of western European lowlands (Diptera: Chironomidae). Keys with notes to the species. With a redescription of Glyptotendipes (Caulochironomus) nagorskayae and a first description of Glyptotendipes (Caulochironomus) kaluginae new species.- 444 Abb., 24 Tab.- Lauterbornia 82: 1-216, Dinkelscherben
Preis: 59 EUR
Lauterbornia 81 (2016)
Arndt, E.: Ecological requirements of the New Zealand mudsnail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843) influencing its establishment in a Central European rivershedNesemann, H.:The Danube River Snail Viviparus acerosus (Bourguignat, 1862) in the Lower River Main watershed in Hesse, GermanyMüller, O., J. Wöhrmann, N. Hoffmann & A. Martens: The Quagga mussel Dreissena rostriformis (Deshayes, 1838) in lakes of east Brandenburg (Germany) (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae)Větříček, S. & F. Šporka: First record of Quistadrilus multisetosus (Tubificidae, Oligochaeta)(Smith, 1900) from the Czech RepublicGerecke, R. & M. Pfeiffer: The water mites of Baden-Württemberg (Acari: Hydrachnidia and Halacaridae). An updated species inventory, special features, needs for researchMeßner, U. & M. L. Zettler: Current distribution of Amphipoda (Crustacea) in the course of the upper Havel River (Germany)Heckes, U., M. Hess, E.-G. Burmeister & G. Hansbauer: Review of the distribution of „Living fossil shrimps“ in Bavaria (Crustacea: Anostraca, Notostraca and „Conchostraca“)Wolf, B.: The distribution of Zwicknia (Insecta: Plecoptera) in Hesse/GermanySchüler, S. & H. Sodtke: First record of mayfly Baetopus (Raptobaetopus) tenellus (Albarda, 1878) (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in North Rhine-Westphalia/GermanyHohmann, M.: First record of Leptocerus lusitanicus (McLachlan, 1884) (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae) in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)Müller, R. & U. Dinnbier: Hydropsyche exocellata Dufour, 1841 (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) – first record in Lower Saxony/GermanyGeppert, R. & B. Wolf: Recovering of Oligostomis reticulata (Linnaeus 1761) (Trichoptera: Phryganeidae) in Hesse/GermanyHess, M. & U. Heckes: Microptila minutissima Ris, 1897 in the Bavarian foothills of the Alps, first record in GermanyDürregger, A.: Updated state of knowledge on the Mayfly, Stonefly and Caddisfly fauna (Insecta: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) of Salzburg with new recordings for the provinceHohmann, M. & D. Spitzenberg: The aquatic insects of the river Selke (Harz Mountains, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) in special consideration of stoneflies, water beetles and caddisflies (Plecoptera, Coleoptera, Trichoptera)Antczak, O., M. Płóciennik, T. Rewicz, V. Baranov & J. Bilecka: New records of Chironomidae (Diptera) from the Republic of MoldovaMatteikat, W., T. Klefoth & M. Emmrich: Characteristics of two subpopulations of the round goby Neogobius melanostomus, Pallas 1814 in the Mittelland-Canal/GermanyRudolph, K.: First record of the freshwater red alga Hildenbrandia rivularis (Rhodophyta, Hildenbrandiales) in the creek Tegeler Fließ (City of Berlin)Nesemann, H.: New records of three remarkable macro-algae in the Rhine-Main region: Hildenbrandia rivularis, Bangia atropupurea und Enteromorpha intestinalisNesemann, H.: Contribution to the aquatic Mollusca colonization of the Nidda River-bottom at Frankfurt a. M.
Preis: 35 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 80
Preis: 48,15 EUR
Lauterbornia 79
Cuppen, H., D. Tempelman & T. van Haaren: Key for identification of 4th instar larvae of Tanytarsus Van der Wulp, 1874 of north-western Europe (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanytarsini) Vallenduuk, H. & S. Schiffels: Parachironomus larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae) in the Netherlands, distribution and habitats. With notes on parasitizing snails and spawn of frogs Cuper, J. T.: Biometry of larvae and exuviae of Metriocnemus carmencitabertarum Langton & Cobo 1997 (Diptera: Chironomidae) in The Netherlands Płóciennik, M., O. Antczak, S. Boulaaba & M. Skonieczka: First record of Chironomus longistylus (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Poland Haesloop, U.: Nachweis eines bedeutenden Vorkommens der psammorheophilen Chironomidae-Art Olecryptotendipes macropodus (Lyakhov, 1941) in Mitteleuropa (Wümme/Weser, Niedersachsen und Bremen) Novikmec, M., L. Hamerlík, M. Svitok, Z. Matúšová & P. Bitušík: Remarkable faunistic records of aquatic insects from streams of the Kremnické vrchy Mountains, Slovakia Hamerlík, L., K. Thomková & P. Bitušík: First record of Rheocricotopus (s. str.) reduncus Sæther & Schnell, 1988 (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Slovakia: a new glacial relict found in the Tatra Mountains Schletterer, M. & U. H. Humpesch: Zoobenthos diversity in the Volga delta – a transect from Astrakhan to the Caspian Sea Müller, R., L. Hendrich & J. Schönfelder: Bemerkenswerte Makrozoobenthosfunde in einem renaturierten Abschnitt der mittleren Spree mit Erstnachweis von Leuctra geniculata (Stephens, 1836) (Plecoptera, Leuctridae) für Brandenburg Roos, P.: Wiederfund von Protonemura nimborum (Ris, 1902) (Insecta: Plecoptera) in Baden-Württemberg Moroz, M. & T. Lipinskaya: Check-list of the stoneflies of Belarus (Insecta, Plecoptera) Rupprecht, R.: Sichere Unterscheidungsmerkmale für Dinocras und Perla (Plecoptera: Perlidae) Hupalo, K. et al.: Corrigendum to the article „First record of the killer shrimp, Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky, 1894), in the Váh River, Slovakia”, Lauterbornia 77 Wolf, B. & P. Zwick: Hessische Belege heute ausgestorbener Steinfliegen (Plecoptera) in der Sammlung des Senckenbergmuseums Frankfurt (Hessen) Neu, P. J.: Anmerkungen zu „Wormaldia occipitalis Pictet, 1834“ (Trichoptera, Philopotamidae) Haesloop, U.: Gewässerfaunistische Notizen aus Niedersachsen und Bremen mit verschiedenen regionalen und nationalen Erstnachweisen Berger, C., N. Schotzko & G. Hutter: Erster Nachweis des Kamberkrebses (Orconectes limosus) am österreichischen Bodenseeufer Martens, A. & P. Roos: Uncinocythere occidentalis (Ostracoda) und Xironogiton victoriensis (Branchiobdellidae), zwei Aufsitzer des Signalkrebses Pacifastacus leniusculus, nun auch in Rheinland-Pfalz Jueg, U.:Xerobdella praealpina Minelli, 1971 (Hirudinea, Xerobdellidae) in österreich und Slowenien Zettler, M. L.: Kurze Notiz über die Ankunft von Echinogammarus trichiatus im Ostseegebiet und den Erstnachweis von Paramysis lacustris in Deutschland Stefan, K., A. Waringer-Löschenkohl & J. Waringer: Syntopic breeding of Rana dalmatina and Rana temporaria – ecological benefit or disadvantage? Dümpelmann, C. & J. Freyhof: First record of the fathead minnow Pimephales promelas Rafinesque, 1820 in Germany Schiffels, S.: Kyliniella latvica Skuja 1926, neu in Deutschland
Preis: 35 EUR
Lauterbornia 78
6 contributions dealing with Diatoms Lange-Bertalot, H. & S. Ulrich: Contributions to the taxonomy of needle-shaped Fragilariaand Ulnaria species 1Lange-Bertalot, H. & G. Hofmann: Navigiolum silesiacum sp. n. (Bacillariophyta) a secondrecord of this species-poor diatom genus for Central Europe 75Krüger, W.: The diatom associations of the river Pfrimm, a leftside tributary of the RiverRhine in Rhineland-Palatinate/Germany 83Metzeltin, D. & H. Lange-Bertalot: Pinnularia kurt-krammeri. A new diatom species from afossil deposit in Scotland 109Lange-Bertalot, H. & D. Metzeltin: Pinnularia saprotolerans proposed as a species new toscience from rivers in Central Europe and South Africa tolerating strongly polluted waters 115Lange-Bertalot, H. & M. Werum:Nitzschia rhombicolancettula sp. n. and Nitzschia vixpaleasp. n. Description of two benthic diatom species (Bacillariophyta) new to science from theWeser River gate „Porta Westphalica“, NW Germany 121
Preis: 31 EUR
Lauterbornia 77
Moog, O., A. Reischütz & V. Zechmeister: First living record of Viviparus acerosus (Bourguignat1862) in Upper Austria 1Hupało, K., T. Rewicz, K. Bącela-Spychalska, A. Konopacka & M. Grabowski: First record ofthe killer shrimp, Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky, 1894), in the Váh River, Slovakia 9Marten, P. & D.Tempelman: An unusual association between water mite larvae (Hydrachnidia,Acari) and a larval caddis fly host (Trichoptera) 15Müller, H.: New contributions to the water mite fauna (Acari: Hydrachnidia, Halacaridae) ofThuringia/Germany 23Rudolph, K.: First record of Ligia oceanica (Crustacea, Isopoda, Ligiidae) at the estuary of RiverWarnow (southern Baltic Coast, Germany) 31Orendt, C., X.-F. Garcia, B. F. Janecek, S. Michiels, C.-J. Otto & R. Müller: Faunistic overviewof Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) in lowland running waters of north-east Germany(Brandenburg) based on 10-year EU-Water Framework Directive monitoring programme 37Orendt, C. & D. A. Murray: A record of Macropelopia fehlmanni (Kieffer, 1911) (Insecta: Diptera:Chironomidae: Tanypodinae), a presumed „Alpine endemic“ species, from a lowlandreservoir in Saxony, Germany – with notes on habitat and revision of distribution 63Seitz, G., U. Michels & M. Klima: First indigenous finding of Simulium (Byssodon) maculatum(Meigen 1804) in the river Oder 71Koch, S.: The mayfly fauna of Southern Bavaria/Germany (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) 77Ben Ahmed, R., B. Ben Rached & S. Tekaya: Observations on leech parasitism and predationfor Tunisian Amphibians 177Soes, D. M.: First records of Stagnicola montenegrinus Glöer & Pešić, 2009 for the Republicof Macedonia 185Soes, D. M.: The first records of Piscicola siddalli (Hirudinea: Piscicolidae) for Belgium andthe Netherlands 189Neumann, J., E.-M. Wiesner, H. Kroll, G. Hellwig & M. Rößler: First records of Crangonyxpseudogracilis (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in Saxony 195Kubiak, M., H. C. Stotzem, K. Schütte & R. S. Peters: A commented historic inventory of thecaddisfly fauna (Trichoptera) of the fen complex „Eppendorfer Moor“ in Northern Germany,based on material collected by G. Ulmer 1896–1907 201Book reviews 8,14,22,30,70Keywords 218
Preis: 39 EUR
Lauterbornia 76
Preis: 35 EUR
Lauterbornia 75
Preis: 43 EUR
Lauterbornia 74
Preis: 28 EUR
Lauterbornia 73
On ###the Auchenorrhyncha fauna in the surrounding of streams and ###springs at Hoher Trauchberg (Bavaria/ Germany) Limnological ###investigations at the mountain range Hoher Trauchberg in the ###Bavarian Alps/ Germany Geobotanical research on stream sections ###and spring areas at the mountain region of Hoher Trauchberg in the ###Bavarian Alps/ Germany Aquatic ###mosses (Bryophyta) in the area of Hoher Trauchberg, Bavarian ###Alps/ Germany Book reviews 169 pp.
Preis: 37,2 EUR
Lauterbornia 72
Klukowska, M., M.Płóciennik & J. Żbikowski: Lipiniella moderata (Diptera, Chironomidae) – new species for the Polish fauna Orendt, C. & H. Faasch: First record of Lipiniella moderata Kalugina, 1970 (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Germany Haybach, A., S. Sänger & M. Rischmann: A record in the wild of the trumpet snail Melanoides tuberculatus (O. F. Müller, 1774) in a warmed stretch of a mountain brook in the federal state Saarland, SW-Germany Grosser, C., G. Hellwig & M. Rößler: First record of Dina pseudotrocheta (Hirudinea: Erpobdellidae) in Saxony Eggers, T. O. & U. Kirchberger: Record of Tubifex blanchardi Vejdovský 1891 (Annelida, Clitellata, Oligochaeta) in Germany Hudina, S., S. Janković, A. Lucić & K. Žganec: The status of Astacus astacus in the northernmost part of Croatia (Međimurje County) in the face of invasion by Pacifastacus leniusculus (Crustacea: Astacidae) Enting, K. & F. Schöll: First record of the brackish water isopod Idotea chelipes (Pallas, 1766) (Isopoda: Idoteidae) from river Moselle, an inland running water Küttner, R. & H. Voigt: Ecdyonurus picteti (Meyer-Dür, 1864) – a new mayfly species in Saxony/Germany Wolf, B. & R. Angersbach: Brachyptera braueri (Klapálek, 1900) (Plecoptera, Taeniopterygidae) – a new species for Hesse, Germany Eiseler, B. & F. Eiseler: Survey of the Macrozoobenthos in the National Park Eifel (North Rhine-Westphalia/Germany) – First results Langton, P. H., I. I. Kiknadze, H. J. Vallenduuk & A. G. Istomina: Description of all stages and the cytology of Chironomus parathummi Keyl, 1961 (Diptera, Chironomidae) Váncsa, E., Y. Vidinova, P. Neu & M. Bálint: Current data concerning Bulgarian high mountain mayfly fauna (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) with zoogeographical notes Schmidt-Formann, O., M. Sommerhäuser& S. Mählmann: First record of Crangonyx pseudogracilis (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in the River Lippe Bitušík, P.: New records of Chironomidae (Diptera) for Czech Republic from lakes and streams in the Bohemian Forest Hanselmann, A. J.: A review of spatio-temporal patterns of the colonisation of Lake Constance with alien Macrozoobenthos
Preis: 33,4 EUR
Lauterbornia 71 (2010)
Rischmann, ###M. & P. J. Neu: Contribution to the ###knowledge of the caddis fly fauna (Insecta: Trichoptera) of the ###federal state Saarland (Germany) Neu, ###P. J.: Identification of the females of Silo species ###occuring in Germany Frey, ###B. & A. Staniczek: Mayflies and Stoneflies ###(Insecta: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera) of the Wutach River ###Nature Reserve, Southern Black Forest, Germany Berlin, ###A.: Contribution to the caddis flies fauna of ###Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Germany (Insecta: Trichoptera) Neu, ###P. J.: Evaluation of current identification ###literature on caddis flies (Insecta: Trichoptera) in Germany Haybach, ###A. & U. Jacob: Biogeographical analysis of the German mayfly ###fauna (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) Kampwerth, ###U.: On the ecology of Glyphotaelius pellucidus (Retzius ###1783) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) – results of long-term ###studies Zwick, ###P. & H. Zwick: Stoneflies and blackflies of the River Fulda, ###Germany – six decades of study (Plecoptera, Diptera: ###Simuliidae). With notes on other aquatic insects Wolf, ###B. & R. Angersbach: Does an increase in mean annual ###temperature influence the occurrence of Plecoptera and ###Trichoptera species in a German upland stream? Neu, ###P. J.: Identification of the females of species of the ###Hydroptila-group occuring in Germany Ehlert, ###T.: Mayfly, stonefly and caddisfly fauna ###(Insecta: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) of the ###Felderbach (Northrhine-Westphalia) Otto, ###C.-J. & H. Reusch: On the substrat reference of caddisflies ###(Insecta: Trichoptera) in lakes of Schleswig-Holstein/Germany Graf, ###W.: Updated check-list of stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) of ###Austria Graf, ###W., S. Pauls & J. Waringer: Challenging conventional genus ###concepts: the larva of Ecclisopteryx malickyi Moretti, 1991 ###(Trichoptera: Limnephilidae: Drusinae)
Preis: 27 EUR
Lauterbornia 70 (2010)
Kutschera, ###U.: U.: A new leech species from Southern Germany, Trocheta ###intermedia nov. sp. (Hirudinea: Erpobdellidae) Soes, ###D. M., P. D. Walker & D. B. Kruijt: The Japanese fish louse ###Argulus japonicus new for The Netherlands Jueg, ###U.: Contribution to the Hirudinea fauna of Bulgaria – records in ###the Museum of Natural History Berlin, own records and a ###preliminary checklist of the Hirudinea in Bulgaria Schwahn, ###J.: Hydropsyche silfvenii – a new species for the county of ###Lower Saxony, Germany Haesloop, ###U.: Record of the dragonfly Boyeria ###irene in Northern Germany Burmeister, ###E.-G. & J. Burmeister: On the status of the ###population structure of Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788, in the brook Krebsenbach near Fürstenfeldbruck, ###Bavaria/Germany (Bivalvia, Unionidae) Bernerth, ###H. & S. Dorow: Chelicorophium sowinskyi (Crustacea, Amphipoda) has advanced from the Danube River into the ###Main River – Comments on distribution and morphology of the ###species Vallenduuk, ###H. J. & P. H. Langton: Description of imago, pupal exuviae and ###larva of Chironomus uliginosus and a provisional key ###to the larvae of the Chironomus luridus agg. ###(Diptera: Chironomidae) Bojková, ###J., T. Soldán, S. Zahrádková, P. Chvojka & M. Trýzna: ###Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera of the Bohemian Switzerland National ###Park, Czech Republic: species diversity and taxocenoses of ###sandstone watercourses Ziemann, ###H.: The halobion index and its further development Lehmann, ###K.: Re-colonization of the river Elbe by the ###blackfly Simulium (Schoenbaueria) nigrum (Meigen, 1804) (Diptera: Simuliidae) Płóciennik, ###K., B. Rossaro & J. Kazimierczak: Four species of non-biting ###midges (Chironomidae) new for Cyprus
Preis: 24 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 69 (2010)
Müller, R. & J. Schönfelder: Constancy of caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) in watercourse samples from Brandenburg/Germany Hohmann, M.: First record of Siphlonurus (Siphlurella) alternatus (Say, 1824) and Baetopus (Raptobaetopus) tenellus (Albarda, 1878) (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae, Baetidae) for Saxony-Anhalt/Germany Tempelman, D., K. Arbačiauskas & N. Grudule: First record of Synurella ambulans (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in Estonia and its distribution in the Baltic states Soes, M.: The presence of Piscicola respirans (Hirudinea: Piscicolidae) in The Netherlands Soes, M.: Piscicola respirans Troschel, 1850 in Italy? A note Žganec, K., S. Gottstein, M. Grabowski & D. Platvoet: Distribution of the endemic amphipod species Echinogammarus thoni (Schäferna, 1922) in watercourses of the Balkan Peninsula Angersbach, R., U. Stein & B. Wolf: Two new records for Taeniopteryx schoenemundi (Plecoptera, Insecta) in Hesse/Germany Bij de Vaate, A., B. Jansen & Noordhuis, R.: Recolonization of Lake IJsselmeer, The Netherlands, by Theodoxus fluviatilis (Gastropoda: Neritidae)? Kleinsteuber, W.: First records of Leuctra geniculata (Stephens, 1836) in Saxony-Anhalt/Germany (Insecta: Plecoptera, Leuctridae) Roos, P.: Remarkable records of Plecoptera at 3 acidified mountain brooks in the northern Black Forest in Baden-Württemberg/Germany. Rediscovery of Capnia vidua, Leuctra alpina and Protonemura lateralis (Insecta: Plecoptera) Wolfram, G. C. Orendt, S. Höss, M. Großschartner, Z. Adámek, P. Jurajda, W. Traunspurger, E. de Deckere & C. van Liefferinge: The macroinvertebrate and nematode community from soft sediments in impounded sections of the river Elbe near Pardubice, Czech Republic Pastuchová, Z. & I. Krno: Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera communities of impoundment subsystems (inlets, reservoirs, outlets) in west Slovakia Schletterer, M. & L. Füreder: Contribution to the knowledge about the macroinvertebrate fauna in the headwaters of Western Dvina (Russia, Belarus) Gorka, M. & M. Marten: First records of Apatania muliebris McLachlan 1866 (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae) and rediscovery of Leuctra leptogaster Aubert 1949 (Plecoptera, Leuctridae) in Baden-Württemberg/Germany Tanatmış, M. & A. Haybach: Ecdyonurus bimaculatus n. sp., a new species of mayfly from Turkey (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae, Ecdyonurinae) Dittmar, H.: Ecology and biology of stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) in springs and brooks in the Westphalian part of the Rothaar Mountains/Germany, an investigation from 1952 to1955 Wolf, B. & E. Kiel: Benthic macroinvertebrates in marshland streams and their salinity preferences
Preis: 28 EUR
Lauterbornia 68 (2009)
Editorial Seitz, G.: First records of Simulium (E.) petricolum (Rivosecchi), Simulium (N.) bavaricum Seitz & Adler and Simulium (N.) oligotuberculatum (Knoz) (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Austria Schiffels, S.: Commensal and parasitic Chironomidae Bulánková, E. & A. Ďuričková: Habitat preferences and conservation status of Atherix ibis and Ibisia marginata (Diptera, Athericidae) Ujvárosi, L., M. Bálint, N. Mészáros & O. Popescu: Genetic diversity with morphological imprints among Pedicia (Amalopis) occulta (Meigen, 1830) (Diptera, Pediciidae) populations in the Carpathian area: preliminary results Orendt, C., U. Mischke, B. Nixdorf & S. Brooks: Subfossil chironomids in shallow lakes of northern Germany Moreno, J. L. & J. de las Heras: Habitat selection and life cycle of aquatic Diptera in a semiarid saline stream in Spain – an approximation Vallenduuk, H. & A. Lipinski: Neglected and new characters in Chironomidae: Tanypodinae (larvae) Martin, P. & R. Gerecke: Diptera as hosts of water mite larvae – an interesting relationship with many open questions Moller Pillot, H.: Chironomidae as indicators of ecosystem functioning Lešková, J.: Differences in taxonomical composition of aquatic Diptera (excl. Chironomidae, Simuliidae) in two Carpathian streams in East Slovakia Lehmann, K. & H. Reusch: Short-palped craneflies (Diptera: Limoniidae, Pediciidae) around springs in the lowlands of northern Germany – faunistics and aspects of community structure Reusch, H. & M. Hohmann: Stelzmücken (Diptera: Limoniidae et Pediciidae) aus Emergenzfallen im „Nationalpark Harz“ (Sachsen-Anhalt) Podeniene, V.: Lithuanian Chioneinae (Limoniidae, Diptera): larval habitat preferences and problems of identification, with description of last instar larvae of Molophilus (Molophilus) crassipygus de Meijere, 1918 M. (M.) griseus (Meigen, 1804), M. (M.) ochraceus (Meigen, 1818), M. (M.) propinquus (Egger, 1863)
Preis: 24 EUR
Lauterbornia 67 (2009)
Bernerth, H.: Expansion of Proterorhinus semilunaris (tubenose goby) and Neogobius kessleri (bighead goby) in the Main River (Germany). Details on the biology and temperature tolerance of the tubenose goby following finds in a cooling water channel Dümpelmann, C. & R. Polivka: Eurasian ninespine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) (Pisces: Gasterosteidae) in Hesse/Germany: rediscovery after nearly 20 years Przewoźny, M., R. Jaskuła & V. Pešić: Re-discovery of Hydrochus flavipennis and Anacaena globulus in Montenegro (Coleoptera: Hydrochidae et Hydrophilidae) Cuppen, H., A. Klink & H. Moller Pillot: The larvae of Graceus ambiguus and Sergentia near prima and their identification Dümpelmann, C., F. Bonacker & M. Häckl: First record of the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Decapoda: Cambaridae) in Hesse/Germany Rander, A., S. Mayer, K. Grabow & A. Martens: Tanais dulongii (Audouin) alive at the hull of inland navigation vessels in the Upper Rhine River (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) Wouters, K. & T. Vercauteren: Proasellus coxalis sensu auct. (Crustacea, Isopoda) in a lowland brook in Heist-op-den-Berg: first record in Belgium Mayer, S., A. Rander, K. Grabow & A. Martens: Inland navigation vessels as vectors of the Quagga Mussel Dreissena rostriformis bugensis (Andrusov) in the Rhine River, Germany (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) Haybach, A. & K.-H. Christmann: First record of the Quagga Mussel Dreissena rostriformis bugensis (Andrusov, 1897) in the German Lower Rhine of Northrhine-Westfalia Wittling, T. & O. König: Hypania invalida in the unnavigable upper Danube in Germany Grosser, C. & V. M. Epshtein: On the species status of the leech Trocheta danastrica Stschegolew, 1938 (Annelida, Hirudinea: Erpobdellidae) Grabow, K. & A. Martens: Polycladodes alba Steinmann at the Upper Rhine near Karlsruhe, Germany (Plathelminthes: Turbellaria: Tricladida) Schödel, H.: A key to the freshwater species of Lagenophryidae and Usconophryidae (Ciliophora, Peritrichia) of Central Europe Płóciennik, M.: Three species of Chironomidae (Diptera) new for the Polish fauna Badewitz, H.-J.: The Testacean fauna (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of the River Elbe Flood Discharge Canal near the town of Magdeburg (Germany, Saxony-Anhalt) Müller, R., A. Haybach & J. Schönfelder: Arthroplea congener Balthasar, 1937 and Baetopus (Raptobaetopus) tenellus (Albarda, 1878) (Ephemeroptera: Arthropleidae, Baetidae) – first record for Brandenburg Germany Faasch, H.: Simulium (Hellichiella) latipes (Meigen, 1804) (Diptera: Simuliidae) also recorded in eastern Lower Saxony/Germany Haybach, A.: A record of Leptophlebia (Paraleptophlebia) cincta (Retzius, 1783) (Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae) in Rhineland-Palatinate (SW-Germany) Šporka, F.: First record of the neozoan species Branchiodrilus hortensis (Stephenson, 1910) (Oligochaeta, Naididae) for Slovakia Vidinova, Y. & B. Russev†: Distribution and ecology of Leptophlebiidae species (Ephemeroptera, Insecta) in Bulgaria Rischmann, M., S. Sänger & S. Potel: First records of Echinogammarus trichiatus in Saarland/Germany Fiedler, S., W. Kleinsteuber, M. Krech & E. Arndt: Spreading of neozoan invertebrates in Elbe tributaries of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany Roos, P., M. Gorka & G. Karreis:Rediscovery of the Witham orb mussel Sphaerium solidum (Normand, 1844) in Bavaria/Germany (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) Martin, P.: A redescription of Torrenticola (Megapalpis) fagei (E. Angelier, 1949) (Acari, Hydrachnidia) Schreiber, J. & M. Brauns: Re-record of Gammarus lacustris (Crustacea, Gammaridae) in Brandenburg, Germany Rischmann, M. & S. Sänger: First record of Crangonyx pseudogracilis in Saarland/Germany Peukert, D. E.: Circalunar control of population dynamics of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii (= sowerbyi) (Lankester, 1880) Täuscher, L.: My meetings with „Heynig“ – Dr. Hermann Heynig 85 years old
Preis: 28 EUR
Timm, T.: Lauterbornia 66 (2009)
A guide to the freshwater Oligochaeta and Polychaeta of Northern and Central Europe. 1 Abb., 102 Taf.-Lauterbornia 66: 1-235, Dinkelscherben
Preis: 27 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 65 (2008)
3rd Int. Conf. Hirudinea
Preis: 26 EUR
Ordendt, Claus: Lauterbornia Heft 64 (2008) Chironomid Pupal Exuviae
Preis: 7 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 63 (2008)
Preis: 19 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 62 (2008)
Preis: 18 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 61 (2007)
Preis: 21 EUR
Eggers, T. O. & B. Eiseler: Lauterbornia Heft 60 (2007): Bestimmungsschlüssel der Süßwasser-Spongillidae. 48 Abb., 53 pp.-Lauterbornia 60
Preis: 17 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 59 (2007)
Preis: 19 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 58 (2006). 162 pp
Preis: 19 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 57 (2006)
Limnologische Untersuchungen im Kalkquellmoor Benninger Ried. 166 pp.-Lauterbornia 57
Preis: 17 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 56 (2006)
Preis: 19 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 55 (2005)
Preis: 11,99 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 54 (2005)
Preis: 19 EUR
Lauterbornia 52
Hirudinea: Taxonomie, Faunistik, Biologie 2. Internationale Fachtagung 2003 (2004). 196 pp.-Lauterbornia 52
Preis: 20 EUR
Lauterbornia 51
Neu, P. und W. Tobias: Die Bestimmung der in Deutschland vorkommenden Hydropsychidae (2004). 49 Taf., 68 pp.-
Preis: 17 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 50 (2004)
Preis: 18 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 49 (2004)
Preis: 16 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 48 (2003)
Preis: 11,99 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 47 (2003)
Preis: 21 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 46 (2003)
Preis: 20 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 45 (2002)
Preis: 11,99 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 41 (2001)
Preis: 19 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 40 (2001)
Preis: 13 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 34 (1998)
Preis: 22 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 31 (1997)
Preis: 11,99 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 28 (1997)
Preis: 10 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 27 (1996))
Preis: 8 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 26 (1996)
Preis: 10 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 25 (1996)
Preis: 11,99 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 24 (1996))
Preis: 8 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 22 (1995)
Preis: 11,99 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 21 (1995)
Preis: 13 EUR
Lauterbornia Heft 16 (1994)
Preis: 9 EUR
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