Internationale Zeitschrift für Faunistik und Floristik des Süßwassers
26,00 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Lauterbornia Heft 65 (2008)
3rd Int. Conf. Hirudinea
Lauterbornia 67 (2009)
inkl. 7 % MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten
Lauterbornia 68 (2009)
Lauterbornia 62 (2008)
Lauterbornia 83
Aquatic Diptera larvae in Central, Northwest and North Europe. The forms and their identification, a survey Erik Mauch Aims of the treatise are: (1) Characterization of (semi)aquatic Diptera-Larvae on family level by descriptionand identification keys in form of family portraits. Treated are 45 families having water dependent larvae (afew, several, many, all species), according to literature and own observation. (2) Presentation of further taxonomicliterature for each family. (3) Identification of taxa below family level, as far as keys in literature couldbe adapted. A preceding general part provides a survey of the morphology of Diptera larvae, the relating terminologyand methods. The drawings in the text are supplemented by a gallery of colour photos.